You really can create a people-forward, profitable, and purpose-driven group practice.


To inquire about working together, submit the form below or email me at! I’ll reply within 3 business days.

For speaking or other inquiries, please email me at 


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Frequently Asked Questions

Click on each question to view the answer!

How often will we meet?

How long will we work together?

How do I know if I should choose the 6-month coaching package or a one-time strategy session?

How often will we meet?

For ongoing business coaching, I start with a minimum of 6 months, meeting 2x/month. You’ll also have access to me via Slack for questions between meetings!

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How long will we work together?

Most folks continue to work with me beyond the 6 month mark, and decrease meetings to 1x/month when they feel ready. I’m around as long as it feels helpful for you, and always available for additional calls in the future.

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How do I know if I should choose the 6-month coaching package or a one-time strategy session?

A one-time strategy session is the perfect space for me to answer a specific question you have about a team conflict, finance topic, insurance benefits for your team, or another focused subject. The six-month coaching package is designed to provide deeper insight into what’s happening in your group practice, along with the support you need to execute changes.

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Group Practice Business Coaching

A six-month, fully custom experience tailored to *exactly* what you need to expand and manage your purpose-driven group private practice.

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Book A One-Time Strategy Session

A 75 minute session to give you quick clarity, answer your questions, or pick my brain. This option is perfect for going deep into one specific topic!

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Learn on Your Own Time with Webinars

For the group practice curious, join the wait list to be the first to know when these four most requested group practice and business webinars launch!

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